Thursday, December 16, 2010

daily link round up

Ok, so lately I've been having a lot of free time. Free time that I really shouldn't be having because I should technically be spending my free time studying for my board exams or cleaning up my room (which seems to never get clean... I swear the elves come out at night and mess it up when I'm asleep!). But instead I go on Google reader and just see what is going on out there in the world and I'm so amazed! So much great stuff that I'm flabbergasted (it's my word of the week.. I've used it about 5 times already =D) about. Here's where I'll share these great things!

Google Chrome - Do a Good Deed! - I only found out about this today but seriously I love Google Chrome and I love tabs (I always have the most important tabs open... one for gmail, one for facebook, one for meebo, one for my Google Calendar so I can see what I'm doing instead of what I'm supposed to be doing lol...). Now you're doing a good deed while browsing the web! Deals schmeels!

  • 10 tabs = 1 tree planted
  • 10 tabs = 1 book published and donated
  • 25 tabs = 1 vaccination treatment provided
  • 100 tabs = 1 square foot of shelter built
  • 200 tabs = 1 person’s clean water for a year
  • You downloading this = awesomeness!!!

iPad Game Just for Kitty - ok, I'm not the biggest fan of cats (being that I pretty much go into a coma when I'm around one) but this game just looks so funny! I want to see a cat playing this one.

Paper into Pencils - Seriously, what will the Chinese come up with next?! Let me say... I was flabbergasted lol (is that even the right word? Maybe dumbfounded is more appropriate... Maybe that will be my next word of the week haha).

Beauty and the Beast Library - This might sound a little crazy (but being that my friends all know me as being a little cookoo to begin with), I'll go ahead and say it anyway: having a library like the Beast's in Beauty and the Beast is a dream of mine. Keep in mind my reading rate is probably -300 right now but once in a great while (i.e. recent break up or absolute depression) I'll sit down and just breeze through 5-6 books (right now not being one of those times lol). I swear I'll be through The Hunger Games soon (*crosses fingers*)!

Funny!!! - omg I literally LOLed reading this. I seriously think this is a conversation I could have been having with one of my friends. Hilarity.

Pokemon Bra - ok seriously?!! but pretty awesome lol.

I'll leave it at that. Just one more day and Christmas break officially starts! yay!

1 comment:

  1. "one for my Google Calendar so I can see what I'm doing instead of what I'm supposed to be doing" ZOMG soooo true! LOL


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