Google Chrome - Do a Good Deed! - I only found out about this today but seriously I love Google Chrome and I love tabs (I always have the most important tabs open... one for gmail, one for facebook, one for meebo, one for my Google Calendar so I can see what I'm doing instead of what I'm supposed to be doing lol...). Now you're doing a good deed while browsing the web! Deals schmeels!
- 10 tabs = 1 tree planted
- 10 tabs = 1 book published and donated
- 25 tabs = 1 vaccination treatment provided
- 100 tabs = 1 square foot of shelter built
- 200 tabs = 1 person’s clean water for a year
- You downloading this = awesomeness!!!
iPad Game Just for Kitty - ok, I'm not the biggest fan of cats (being that I pretty much go into a coma when I'm around one) but this game just looks so funny! I want to see a cat playing this one.
Paper into Pencils - Seriously, what will the Chinese come up with next?! Let me say... I was flabbergasted lol (is that even the right word? Maybe dumbfounded is more appropriate... Maybe that will be my next word of the week haha).
Beauty and the Beast Library - This might sound a little crazy (but being that my friends all know me as being a little cookoo to begin with), I'll go ahead and say it anyway: having a library like the Beast's in Beauty and the Beast is a dream of mine. Keep in mind my reading rate is probably -300 right now but once in a great while (i.e. recent break up or absolute depression) I'll sit down and just breeze through 5-6 books (right now not being one of those times lol). I swear I'll be through The Hunger Games soon (*crosses fingers*)!
Funny!!! - omg I literally LOLed reading this. I seriously think this is a conversation I could have been having with one of my friends. Hilarity.
Pokemon Bra - ok seriously?!! but pretty awesome lol.
I'll leave it at that. Just one more day and Christmas break officially starts! yay!
"one for my Google Calendar so I can see what I'm doing instead of what I'm supposed to be doing" ZOMG soooo true! LOL