Sunday, March 27, 2011

day 80-82

When I got home on Saturday, I got this Thank You card from Anh & Gary :)

day 80 (monday - march 21st): patient handout due
Just another Monday. Nothing too special happened today except 3 pharmacists called in sick today. Went to Starbucks to study after dinner. I had to work on my patient presentation which was going to be due on Wednesday morning. Not much else happened.

day 81 (tuesday - march 22nd):
So I was supposed to have my final exam today for my rotation but they moved it to Wednesday. Nothing much happened. I got to interview a bunch or patients for the Smoking Cessation clinic which was fun. After work I went to study at Starbucks again except this time Judy joined me. I was really cutting it close with my presentation. I left Starbucks at 10pm and I still had 1 more disease state that I had to work on.

day 82 (wednesday - march 23rd): patient case presentation
Today was my patient case presentation which went HORRIBLY! Ok I'm not even joking around. So I get to work 30 minutes early and I'm looking over my presentation and looking at the finishing touches which are fine. I get into work to print out my lecture slides and I realized that the powerpoint presentation I sent myself didn't have ANY of the erectile dysfunction slides that I had worked on when I got home. I guess when I sent myself the presentation, I hadn't pushed "save" so it sent the presentation without any of the changes I made after I got home. After that I had to use my crappy version of the presentation that I had made for myself with all my little notes on what to talk about and such. So horrible. Then, they asked me all these clinical questions and of course I suck at anything clinical. Which is probably why I will die at internal med (my next rotation). It was just horrible. I felt like I was getting beat up in a fight. And then to make matters worse, I had this one patient that yelled at me and told me to shut-up on the phone when I was trying to go over his coumadin with him. He went into how he wanted to transferred because he was sick and tired of answering the same questions over and over again. Like, ok I get it. Everytime I call, I ask the same questions because it's standard procedure. He was getting so belligerent with me and he kept saying "are you just about done yet?!" And he threatened to hang up on me. I ended up getting a little teary-eyed and had to go to the restroom to calm myself down.

At 3pm I had to take the final exam which me and the other student thought was going to SOAPing out a case on coumadin since all we did was coumadin clinic. Turned out that it was SOAPing up 9 disease states which I was unfamiliar with :/. It was pretty much horrible.

After work I had to keep telling myself to go pick up the cake for my preceptors. It turned out pretty nice.

Ended the day very well though :). Ended up going to see Beauty and the Beast at The Pantages with Judy which was friggin awesome!! Loved it!! Seats were super nice in orchestra! Wish I could see it again before it leaves. I ended up buying a shirt, a key chain and a program. I really liked how they made Gaston super funny because I usually skip all the Gaston parts when I watch the movie. He's pretty annoying in the movie lol.

hope everyone has a great week! last rotation starts tomorrow baby!!
7 more weeks until graduation!!! 

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