Whoa. I guess its been an entire month since I've last posted. It's been crazy hectic since I've been back from Santa Barbara. Between working full time, being completely sucked into the entire 50 Shades of Grey series, and being in a long distance relationship, there was very little time for blogging. (Side note: TOTALLY recommend the 50 Shades series. It's like reading Twilight but with BDSM lol. I would recommend reading it on Kindle or an Kindle app since there are some pretty big vocab words :/ and on the Kindle, you just have to tap and wah-lah, you have the definition. I guess all that money that my parents spent on SAT prep classes didn't help.)
THEN... I got completely sucked into re-watching the entire Veronica Mars series (which I own on DVD lol). Used to love that show. Now that it's summer, there's nothing left to watch on my Hulu queue... besides Melissa & Joey (yes, I'm trying hard to hang onto the 90s, so sue me lol). I'm definitely waiting for the new Gossip Girl season and Once Upon a Time to come out of DVD so I can just watch the entire season at once. None of this waiting a week for the next episode (hold up... yes I know I'm lame. It's so fun though :)).
So many changes are brewing and I've been extremely anxious for the future. My nights have been pretty tiring since I've been dreaming non-stop. Too bad I can't really remember what I'm dreaming about. I guess it's that worry-wart gene being extra activated lately. Not sure what the future will bring but I'm hoping good things will come to those who wait.
I will begin posting as soon as I get some time to organize all my pictures. It's really hard when I'm half using my phone and half using my Powershot and the pictures are seriously EVERYWHERE. Ugh... it really bothers me when my photos are so disorganized. But yes, do look forward to some posts soon! I have a weekday off this week so I think I'll make a date with the computer then. Until then, Happy Monday and have a great week!
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