Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Vroom Vroom!

Our First Cars Land Experience

This past weekend (June 30 - July 1) Tony and I decided to check out Cars Land for the first time!

tram picture (I subscribe to Birchbox and for the month of June, I was sent this headband from Modcloth. It retails for $14 from Modcloth. I decided to try it out and step a little out of my comfort zone)

radiator springs racers ride: view from the line

in line for radiator springs racers ride!

poor stanley... or i should say, poor us lol

so cute!

another one of those "had to take a picture" moments lol

i spy one of a bajillion hidden mickeys? lol

After the racers ride we were ready for some grub so we took Judy's advice and went to get the chili and the pomegranate limeade.

chicken verde

pomegranate limeade con vodka lol

So Luigi's Flying Tires were down so we decided to wait for Mater's Junkyard Jamboree. The wait wasn't too long (maybe 30 minutes tops). It's similar to the Lady Bug ride in Bugs Land combined with a carnival type ride. 

We were pretty much done with California Adventures after checking out the new Buena Vista Street stuff so we headed to Disneyland in search of more food lol. 

no line at the corn dog stand! O_O

mickey shaped beignets for dessert

mint julep

riding the tip of mandy monorail ;)


The lady at the corn dog stand recommended that we check out Cars Land after the sun goes down so we went back to California Adventure and checked out the neighboring Bug's Land. There were quite a few rides I haven't been on. 


photo-op of cars land at night time

We decided to check out the Mad T Party.

Day 2! I really wanted to go on the racer's ride again but the wait was 120 minutes so we decided against it. 

buena vista street

We'll be heading back soon before my pass expires! Can't wait to go on racers again!

Note: Please also check out Part 2 for more details on Cars Land!


  1. Nice pictures! Which camera were you using?

  2. It's a Canon PowerShot ELPH 300HS 12.1mp. https://www.google.com/products/catalog?hl=en&output=search&sclient=psy-ab&q=canon+300+hs&oq=&gs_l=&pbx=1&fp=3a50ef9c1ec22192&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.,cf.osb&biw=1024&bih=653&tch=1&ech=1&psi=zGUMUJ7CAcWQiALlnITKAQ.1342989809242.3&cid=2135583790851313710&sa=X&ei=1GUMUL_9C-WC2wXYqIQr&ved=0CMwBEK0E


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