So it's been a couple of weeks since I last showed you my planning but the planning hasn't stopped. Here's the before and after for week May 11th-17th.
Here's some pictures to take you thru the week. Fun times at Linh and Kyle's wedding and some stuff in between.
french onion soup on a cold "winter" day |
lattes at birdrock coffee |
potluck at john & donna's place |
heart guestbook |
the beautiful couple |
pill pushers off duty :P |
yummyn wedding food |
photobooth fun! |
more photobooth fun! |
Here's the final look for week May 18th-24th. I didn't get a chance to take a before picture for this week but it was pretty hectic one so there wasn't much going on besides work.
I'll be heading out of town in a week or so so I'm really looking forward to sharing that time with you guys! Have a great week and hope everyone enjoyed their Memorial Day weekend!
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