Saturday, January 01, 2011

day 1: happy new year!

Happy New Year everyone! So one of my New Years Resolutions is to make a post everyday. After having lunch with friends I made my way home from ringing in the new year in Palm Springs. I wanted to leave a little bit earlier to scope out the outlets but they were packed up the wazoo (I guess it's a given being that it's new years but still lol). So I thought "I'll just go to Ontario Mills instead"... fail lol. They were just as packed. So then I was just like screw it and I just drove home. But then I realized that I wanted to get one of those photo memory boxes so I stopped at Ross, Marshalls, and Target. Yet another fail. They had some but not exactly what I've been looking for. I've been trying to organize my bookshelf and I was looking for this very specific drawer letter tray. It looks something like this:

See how they're like drawers? You would think Ikea would have something like this but I haven't been able to find it there. And they are white :). I'm thinking I would probably find it at The Container Store? Help would be greatly appreciated!

Anyways, here's some excerpts from NYE in Palm Springs!
the boys
the girls
 I'm trying to make a list of New Years Resolutions haha. We'll see how many I actually keep :/

Well, that's all for now kiddies. I'm off to organize my life for Monday :(. *sigh* Please let my preceptor be nice!


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