Thursday, January 20, 2011

day 20: work

Working 1:30-10pm today *barfs*. At least the load is coming today so I'll be kept busy.

Apparently, (according to all the newsfeed posts) today is the Cheesiest Day of the Year aka National Cheese Lover's Day! Look at this scrumptious dish!

So my errand running yesterday was a big fail. I always thought contact prescription are good for 2 years but apparently they are only good for one so I'll have to go get my eye exam on Friday so I can get new contacts.

Things to do before I go to work:

  1. Email Ms. Luevano and make sure she got my paperwork.
  2. Thank you cards.
  3. Email student about region quizzes.
  4. Deposit Dividend reward check. 
  5. Laundry
So my friends and I all use Google calendar to kinda know what we're doing because our schedules are pretty busy and lately we've barely had a chance to even talk to one another. It was easier when I was still in school because I could be online while studying and I'd get to talk to them even for a brief moment before they go to work. But now, I'm working as well and so it makes it a little more difficult to keep in touch. Anyways, so there's supposed to be this birthday party that one of my friends is throwing this Saturday and I saw that all my friends were going so I was like yay! But then one by one I saw it disappearing from their calendars and I was like "hrrmmm?" So I finally went on the event and found out that they changed the date lol. And apparently all my other friends had already changed the date on their Google calendars lol. I guess I was the only slow poke haha. Thank goodness for the date change though 'cause I am just absolutely exhausted from work these days. This weekend will be a nice way to catch up on school work and just relax.

Anyways, gotta go get ready for work. Toodle-loos! (haven't used that word in forever!)

1 comment:

  1. hehe funny! yay. so good thing we changed the date :)


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