Friday, February 13, 2015

2015 Goals: Fitness Fridays

One of my big goals this year is to start working out. I've been doing a lot of Pinterest-ing and I've found some really good stuff. First off, I'm going to say I'm definitely no expert in regards to fitness. If anything I'm currently being awarded the "Sloth of the Year" award. I haven't worked out since I've moved to San Diego O_O. So yeah... I thought I'd make a real effort to work out this year.

Fitness Membership
I bought a Groupon for a barre workout place that's walking distance from our apartment. It's 1 month of unlimited use. Plus, under the conditions it states that I can purchase and use the same Groupon every 6 months so if I really enjoy this place, I can purchase another Groupon in 6 months. This place sounds really promising so I'm excited. Right now I'm planning to start using the service in April (but we'll see). 
Calendar of Fitness
So I've been trying to plan a simple workout to start in March. I've basically looked online and I actually found a site with a really great Fitness Tracker you can just print out. They even have some 30 day challenges like squats, wall sit, plank, etc. If you're more on the lazy side and can only commit to one thing a month, this might be a good option for you. 
Start Small
I've been slowly trying to integrate exercises into my daily activities, especially when I'm sitting at the couch watching television. I usually try to do some arm exercises with dumbbells or leg raises with some ankle weights.
The hardest part of starting is that I basically have no idea what exercises to do. I've been pinning a crap load of stuff but videos are even more helpful if you're short on time. For instance, I'm trying to tone my arms (living in Southern California, you can pretty much wear a tank top every single day of the year) and I actually found this pretty good 10-minute Tone: Arm Workout. I'll be doing an arm workout as well as a butt challenge for March and I'll post more about it next week. 

Hope everyone's week has been going well and TGIF!
Whether you love or hate Valentine's Day, make an effort to love and appreciate yourself. 
No matter what has happened up until this point, you've survived! Just keep swimming.
Have a great weekend!


  1. Replies
    1. thanks girl! I just want my booty to look as good as yours :D


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